Podcasting Sustainability: How To Make Your Podcast Last

It’s exciting and easy to create your podcast, just like many other podcasters out there. However, if you look around, most of these home internet radio shows disappear after just a few episodes. Here are tips on how to maintain your podcast so you can get more listeners and more opportunities for ad revenue.

Tip 1: Choose a topic narrow enough to be interesting, but broad enough to run multiple episodes.

It is true that you can choose to speak on any topic, but that will limit your audience. Imagine what will happen if only certain episodes attract a select few. People won’t subscribe to your podcast if only a couple of episodes are interesting.

So pick a niche topic. For example, how to speak Tagalog.

You can develop that niche topic into various niche sub-topics. This way, you will have plenty of material for future episodes. For example, learn to speak Tagalog in the following situations: at school, at the hotel, in a restaurant, at the cinema, etc.

Tip 2: Ask your listeners about future episode topics.

In your podcast, provide a voicemail number and email address where your listeners can send their suggestions for future topics. They will appreciate the opportunity to be heard and bravely come up with a host of ideas. You will also make your podcast more fun to listen to by greeting your listeners by name and thanking them for their suggestions.

Tip 3: go out and interview people.

When you interact with other people, you will experience a new flow of ideas. Ask their permission first before recording your interview.

As a bonus, your podcast will provide a pleasantly varied listening experience because the ambient sounds of the interview site will help color your podcast: the bustle of a coffee shop, the chords of carnival music in the background, the roar of buses. . while conducting your interview near a bus station.

When you bring a richer feel to your podcast, you create that effect on yourself too. Then you feel rejuvenated and inspired to continue creating more episodes, because new places and new people will ignite your creative juices.

So get out of your sterile computer room, make friends, and get inspired. If you do all of this, yours will be a podcast that not only grows, but lasts as well.

Copyright © 2006 by Manuel Viloria. All rights reserved.

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