10 Ways to Trade from Your Highest Level of Integrity

According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, integrity means having a “firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values.” My Oxford American Dictionary defines it as “honesty, incorruptibility.” From these two simple definitions, it’s obvious that one of the highest compliments you can pay a person is to say that they have a high degree of integrity. The reason for this becomes apparent when you consider the following top 10 attributes; critical attributes that I believe people must possess to ensure a high degree of integrity:

1. Show honesty in all personal and professional relationships. Call it karma or whatever you want, but if you tell a lie, it will usually come back to haunt you. When you are honest, people may not like your answer or take a position on an issue, but they will respect you much more.

2. Be trustworthy and inspire trust in those around you. If you commit to doing what you say you will do, people will come to trust you. By being trustworthy and therefore a good role model, you can inspire confidence in others.

3. Be ethical in all interactions. People who are ethical have high morals; they know what is good or bad, right or wrong. They will always do the right thing, despite the consequences.

4. Be fair. People who show integrity are fair. They do not treat one person differently from another. They apply the same rules to everyone, similar to a judge in court.

5. Be professional. A true professional thinks before he speaks, chooses his words carefully to convey his point of view without offending anyone, does not use profanity, and tries his best to understand people and situations without passing judgment.

6. Don’t commit to more than you can handle. If you don’t have the energy or time to keep a promise or complete a task, then don’t do it in the first place. Learn to say “no” when your plate is too full. Failure to follow through on your commitments will result in people losing trust in you and a tarnished reputation.

7. Be responsible. When you commit to an activity or task, take responsibility for following through and getting the job done. If, in the process, you make mistakes or something doesn’t go as planned, don’t blame others. Be honest about the situation and take responsibility for rectifying it to the best of your ability.

8. Meet the agreed deadlines. People with integrity meet deadlines. They schedule their work or personal life in a way that ensures they meet specific deadlines. If, for any reason, they cannot meet a deadline, they will notify everyone involved of the delay, the reason, and how they plan to complete the project/activity.

9. Always doing quality work. People with integrity take pride in their work and strive to do the best job possible. They are more interested in quality than quantity.

10. Be consistent in your actions. People with integrity are consistently honest, trustworthy, ethical, fair, professional, committed, and responsible. They always meet deadlines and do quality work.

Possessing a high degree of integrity is essential in your personal and professional life. If you feel you are weak in one or more of the above areas, make a commitment to start working on those areas today. You will be surprised at the positive changes in yourself and how others perceive you.

Copyright 2009 © Sharon L. Mikrut, All Rights Reserved.

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