Why the obstacle before you is never greater than your power to overcome it

lean on your difficulties

The reason you fear obstacles is that you doubt your ability to overcome them. Obstacles are rarely the problem, it is our lack of power to overcome them that stands in the way. For example, have you faced a difficult situation in the past and worried that you might not get through it? Recall the circumstances and how you felt as best you can. Now fast-forward months to the time it happened and recall the same situation from a fresh perspective. Can you see how insignificant it seems from your current perspective? That is, we feel unable to overcome challenges instead of believing that we will be fine. Perhaps it is the element of surprise or the fear that we are powerless to deal with the problem that scares us the most.

It is what the author and psychotherapist David Richo refers to in The five things we cannot change: and the happiness we find in embracing them when he says, “We worry because we don’t trust ourselves to handle what happens to us. We worry because we don’t trust that the way the chips fall will work out. We worry because we haven’t said yes yet.” “There’s the thing: acknowledging the roadblock instead of wanting it to go away. I’m not talking about unexpected events like a speeding ticket or your romantic interest not returning a text. While I do recognize that this can cause heartache for For some people, I mean bigger problems that appeal to our deepest inner strength. Saying yes to what happens means leaning into your difficulties, even if it seems untenable at first glance. However, if approached with an open mind, we will get through it and we will obtain valuable information.

There is no other option but to be brave

Your inherent power is that of resilience, determination, and courage. Do you think this power is available to you? Sometimes we will not know the depth of our power until we are tested. I have faced many challenges throughout my life, including the death of a parent and coming to terms with a life-threatening illness. I didn’t realize that I had the power to overcome those experiences until I had to. In the years that followed, I not only developed stronger willpower, but the experiences softened me and I developed a humility about life. I came to appreciate that this entity called life is so much bigger than me. I came to look at it with reverence and recognize that although I am a small cog in the process called life, it works perfectly apart from my thoughts.

Not everyone shares my point of view and that’s okay. I would not like to impress others with my views because they are exclusively mine. I have met many people over the years who endured similar experiences and each person formed their own meaning of the events. Can you reflect on the events in your own life that changed your perspective? Was the change for the better or were you angry at others, perhaps at life? It is difficult to know how we will react in difficult moments. Sometimes there is no other option but to face our difficulties and go into battle with fierce determination and courage. For example, if your loved one wants a divorce, they may wallow in self-pity and claim they haven’t seen what’s on the wall. You can experience sadness for months or face it while it is happening to you and see where it takes you, not because you want to, but because there is no other option; sometimes there is no choice but to be brave.

Therein lies the key message of this article: when there is no choice but to be strong, life calls us to exert our greatest strength because what we are experiencing may be greater than we think. When we have no choice but to step into the fire, what awaits us on the other side is a journey of self-discovery, knowing that we are more resilient and courageous than we imagine. It is what the author Alex Pattakos refers to in Prisoners of our thoughts: Viktor Frankl’s principles to discover the meaning of life and work where he writes: “Courage is not the absence of fear but the awareness that there is something more important”. I am reminded of those who lose their homes in a fire or their life savings at the hands of scrupulous insurance companies who undermine their trust or those whose family members betray them. These things happen to good people every day and many of them have no choice but to face their challenges. By leaning on them, we develop the ability to yield to the forces that oppose us. We learn the obstacle is never greater than our power to overcome it. It is our desire to move towards it with faith and determination, trusting in the experience itself, which will activate our inherent power.

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