Cool Gadgets Shopper: Why You Need A Laser Light

If you want to technically tackle the LASER concept, the first thing you should probably learn is that LASER is an acronym and it expands to Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. But to a layman, a LASER device is just another light source with a special property. It can be channeled into a single straight line and is visible from a longer distance, whereas normal light sources simply fade into convex beams.

Now, as the book “LASER: Light with a million uses” points out, the uses of a LASER light source are many, but why do you buy it? You may have seen teachers dangling a pen during presentations and using it to point at screens. Well that is the simplest form of a LASER light and it is commonly used as a pointing device in slide shows and presentations. It doesn’t matter if you use red LASER or green LASER, as long as it serves the purpose. With the rate of pollution due to fireworks, it would be nice to have a display of LASER lights instead of smoke and fire all over the sky on the 4th of July or Guy Fawkes Day. If you’re an arsonist, you can even choose to use LASER to ignite things like paper, cardboard boxes, cotton, and matches. Use your creativity to even light up a fat Cuban cigar or cigarette if you are a smoker.

In the glass cutting industries, they are used to cut glass with impressive precision and accuracy. This has recently been extrapolated to many other industries. If you are in construction, this can be used to even measure distances and depths of structures. Its practical application in science extends to the fields of biology, spectroscopy, and chemistry. A regular camper might consider using LASER beams to scare away wild animals. Unless he is a soldier, he will not carry a high power LASER beam generator of more than 1W because it becomes a potential weapon. Battlefields usually have a lot to do with LASER where they are used as weapons and beacons.

While you don’t have to be a scientist, a little scientific knowledge would help you understand how LASER is generated. The expansion of the term provides a very succinct description of how a LASER beam is created. Let’s go back to the basics of the matter; As you know, all matter is made up of molecules which are in turn made up of tiny particles called atoms. An atom has a central nucleus made of protons and neutrons; tiny negatively charged particles called electrons circulate through the nucleus in a similar way to the sun and planets in the solar system. This is just a representation of the balanced state of an atom. Consider that the atom is heated or given a little energy in some way; this causes the electrons in its orbit to go into an excited state resulting in the formation of an excited atom. If you extrapolate this concept to an object that contains millions of atoms, you have myriads of atoms in their excited state. But how is the red light beam generated? The answer is simple: the tendency of atoms to return to their equilibrium state results in the creation of a bundle of light energy called a photon. It goes something like this: someone gives you money, you get really excited, and then decide you were better off when you had no money and throw it in a lake, except there are a million people just like you throwing everything away. your money in a lake. In this way, when all the photons come together and travel in one direction, a LASER beam is formed.

It doesn’t take much to be captivated by small LASER sources. Its cool apps appeal to people from all walks of life: teachers, architects, engineers and builders, law enforcement, and even kids. Why? If you have to ask why, it simply means that you don’t know about LASER beams. What could be cooler than having a LASER light source in your hand? You can have light shows in different colors and have a lot of fun turning it on at your neighbor’s house while you struggle to understand where the origin of the little red dot is. You can even stand out from the crowd of smokers by lighting your cigarette with a LASER light while people use spirit lighters.

There are different types of LASER pointers on the market and their size and structure totally depend on the application for which they are going to be used. For example, teachers often use the smallest pointers during presentations. Combination lasers can be used in LED flashlights and even for disco lights. If you are a clubber, you will have seen red, green and blue lights coming out of the ground for special effects while dancing in the clubs. They are dual or combined lasers. Have you seen red dots appearing on a person’s chest or forehead in movies when he is being attacked by the SWAT team or other special forces? Well, they are LASER pistol sights.

If you have a LASER pointer, you probably would have pointed it up at the sky and checked if you can see how far it goes. A small pointer LASER would probably not even be visible, while a larger light source may extend some distance; The only determinant of the brightness and distance a LASER beam shines is the power of the beam. LASER pointers can range from 5mW to 300mW; are available to the general public. Attempts to purchase beams of a higher power capacity require that you obtain certified documents stating the reason for purchase. Of course, higher power LASER beams are expensive. The more powerful cool devices become, the more questions there will be about the danger it poses and the legal issues that come with it. Unless you’re a doctor performing LASER eye surgery, you don’t want to aim the LASER beam directly at a person’s eyes; this could cause permanent damage and even blindness. Shine a mediocre power LASER at a single point for too long and you’ll notice the target heat up. Shining a higher power beam directly onto the skin could cause heat burns and boils. This brings us to the next question of whether it is legal; the answer lies in how you use these rays. You could be arrested for shining LASER beams at airplanes and ships; the list has recently been added with “football games” when a fan shines a LASER directly on the ground, affecting the course of the game.

If these things surprise you and you are just looking to own one of these beauties, eBay or any of these auction sites would be a good option for you. They come really cheap; however, the problem is that you will not get the product in the ad. So if you’re a person who can tell the difference between a 5mW beam and a 20mW beam, look elsewhere; if it doesn’t, go ahead and use auction websites. Suppose you are a professor looking to purchase a LASER source for a spectroscopy experiment; in this case, stay away from eBay. Instead, browse through the many online forums that have LASER pointers as their central theme. K-mart, Wal-Mart, and Target are good places to start, while you can also visit the websites of online specialty stores to order your lightning bolt.

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