Fruits and vegetables for healthy skin

Using cosmetics is not enough. A correct diet rich in vegetables and fruits is the first step to achieve beautiful and well-hydrated skin.

Stronger than it seems, but also more sensitive than we think: this is the skin, an effective protective barrier for the body. We are used to cleaning and caring with gels, creams and cosmetics. However, the beauty and health of the skin lies in a balanced and varied diet, rich in certain vitamins and minerals.

The best anti-wrinkles:

Fruits and vegetables, the yellow and orange ones, and the green leafy ones contain large doses of vitamin A precursors, that is, beta-carotene. This vitamin is essential for the formation of tissues, mucous membranes and skin cells. They also help to stop the action of free radicals and, therefore, the aging of the skin and other organs.

So fruits like peaches, apricots, melons, and persimmons, and vegetables like cabbage, carrots, Swiss chard, parsley, watercress, collards, spinach, and endive are all great choices.

Natural Antioxidants:

Citrus fruits, kiwi, berries, strawberries, watercress, the cabbage family, and parsley are rich in vitamin C. In addition to their antioxidant function, they are all essential for good healing and are involved in collagen production. , which gives elasticity to the skin. skin and causes it to deteriorate more slowly.

Brighter skin with vitamin E:

In addition to fruits and vegetables, it is advisable to eat nuts. A daily ration, not very abundant, since they provide many calories. They are rich in vitamin E, like green leafy vegetables and raspberries.

Almonds, walnuts or pistachios, along with the aforementioned vegetables and fruits, are capable of reducing cellular oxidation, skin aging, and can even work well against liver spots. In addition, walnuts and hazelnuts are rich in copper, which acts as an anti-inflammatory, improving this type of skin disorders.

Another recommended variety to maintain beautiful and luminous skin is the banana. It is a fruit rich in zinc, an antioxidant mineral that improves the renewal of skin cells.

Broccoli contains good concentrations of magnesium, which helps the body expel toxins. It also has anti-stress properties. We must not forget the tomato, a widely consumed vegetable, which gives it a pigment with antioxidant properties.

It is also vital to keep your body and skin well hydrated by drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. A good way to get hydration and beneficial nutrients for the skin are natural juices, both fruit and vegetable.

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