Golden Retriever Foot and Nail Care Tips

If you have a golden retriever then you will realize how important grooming is because they have the most beautiful coat, but it’s not just their coat brushing that needs attention, but their feet and nails as well.

In general, a dog doesn’t really like having its paws touched, let alone when the grip starts to tighten because it’s pulling on its paws, but there are ways to get around this so you can do a good job of grooming the paws. paws.

Get the puppy used to brushing his feet.

Because a puppy doesn’t get its feet touched very often, it’s natural for him to get nervous when suddenly someone is trying to grab him and not only that, he’s got those blinking scissors in his other hand!

Here’s the secret to overcoming the puppy wandering problem. Before you start trying to groom your puppy’s feet, it’s best if he’s used to having his feet touched. It’s just a matter of every time you sit down with the puppy, you run your hands over its feet and give them a gentle massage. In time, he’ll get used to this and won’t mind at all when you pick up his feet to groom him.

What needs preparation.

Because the retriever has foot-length hair, trimming the hair between the toes is essential. If the hair in this area isn’t trimmed, it can get under the ball of your foot and you’ll lose traction as you run, and this could be quite dangerous for him if you’re trying to stop on a slippery surface like a tile floor.

Another reason why it is necessary to trim the hair on the bottom of the feet is because this area of ​​the hair is a natural collection site for all those nasty burrs, small stones, seeds and other harmful little objects that can cause pain in the feet. Dog legs.

Trim the nails.

Did you realize that a dog with overgrown nails can end up with some pretty serious paw problems? What happens is that long nails actually distort the shape of the toe and then the shape of the foot. This is a serious problem as walking and even standing becomes very painful over time.

When you have your little one, you may want to take him to a professional groomer the first few times and have him show you how far back to trim his nails. With massage techniques you can trim their hair and nails without problems in a short time.

How to start cutting nails

The idea initially is to just clip one nail the first time and leave it at that. In a few days and a few foot massages later, cut two nails and leave it. Repeat the process, adding one more nail each time, and before you know it, all the nails will be done. In time, you will be able to sit down and do all your nails at once, knowing that it won’t hurt you.

One thing to remember when grooming your golden retriever is that any fears and worries you have about doing the job will immediately transfer to the dog. So stay calm and relaxed and keep talking to the pup and petting him while he works on the nail and hair trimming chores.

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