Health benefits of protein-rich legumes

Pulses are the main source of protein in the Indian diet. Also known as greens or dals (when split), they provide fiber and iron and are free of cholesterol and saturated fat. Indian cuisine usually has legumes like urad dal, masoor dal, moong dal, green moong, chickpeas, beans etc. and the entire subcontinent enjoys the benefits of these legumes that are available in a variety of flavors.

CVDs (cardiovascular diseases) are a common occurrence and one of the leading reasons behind disability and death worldwide. The consumption of legumes on a routine basis is one of the many preventive measures of cardiovascular diseases. Legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, and beans, if eaten regularly, can lower serum blood cholesterol and triglycerides, two key risk factors for cardiovascular disease. The routine intake of legumes rich in soluble fiber reduces cholesterol and lipids in the blood. It also helps reduce the absorption of fat into the blood. Legumes are also rich in potassium. Therefore, they can help reduce blood pressure problems by lessening the effect of sodium.

Urad dal and moong dal are the most commonly used pulses in Indian cooking and one cup of pulses consumed daily can provide half of an adult’s daily fiber needs. Diets rich in fiber are said to reduce the incidence of cancer. Folate is another cancer-preventing element and is abundantly present in beans, lentils, and peas. Folate helps make new cells and maintain existing cells. It is also useful during childhood and pregnancy.

People who complain of high blood sugar or diabetes should include more dals and peas in their diet as they have a low glycemic index. Legumes release glucose at a lower rate compared to grains and therefore reduce blood glucose fluctuation, which improves the insulin response. They also contain complex carbohydrates and are high in protein, which reduces the chances of diabetes and controls blood sugar.

The moment you plan to go on a diet, you should cut yourself off from carbohydrate-rich foods and include some nutritious legumes such as green garbanzo beans, chickpeas, salads, and dishes made from nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables. Legumes are low in energy and caloric content, making them ideal for people who are concerned about their weight. A bowl of garbanzo beans can make you feel full and curb your cravings for a long time. Not only the high protein content, but also the highly fibrous nature of legumes makes them ideal for people who are overweight.

Legumes do not contain a protein called gluten. Therefore, they can be helpful in curing celiac disease. Celiac disease is a condition in which the small intestine is sensitive to gluten, leading to indigestion.

Considering the multiple benefits of vegetables, it is vital that all diets, especially vegetarian ones, contain urad dal and moong dal along with other members of the same family to maintain a healthy life. Including two or more legumes in your daily meal will surely achieve the right balance of protein and fiber while keeping food and health problems at bay.

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