How to save water with Jaquar

Water is life.

There is no exaggeration in the above statement. Technology can stop the senseless waste of water and prevent a major humanitarian crisis. If we want to save the earth, we have to save water. Can technology save water? It sounds a bit strange, but technology can help conserve water and save the living planet called earth. The next time you shop for a faucet or shower for your bathroom, you can always go green and do your bit for our beautiful planet.

Technology that saves water!

As the world’s leading manufacturer of bathroom accessories, we are aware of our obligations. Saving water, since it is a precious natural resource, has always been the main goal of our conservation efforts to help save the earth for our children. Go Green is a motto adopted by as the principle behind its design and manufacturing system to conserve water.

flow restrictors

This is out-of-the-world technology that allows your faucets and showers to save up to 80% water without affecting water flow. Flow restrictors vary flow on both low and high pressure and provide the same bulky flow under all conditions.

air showers

Air showers have an internal air mixer that creates air and water in a way that makes larger water droplets using less water. This out of the world technology makes it possible for air showers to consume 30% less water while providing a lovely shower experience. Select from a wide variety of overhead and handheld air showers with single and multi-flow options. Enjoy your bath but also save water.

Pressmatic Males

Taps with a mechanism that releases only a defined amount (750 ml) of water to come out with each tap on the tap. Pressmatic not only reduces water waste, but is also very easy to use. Pressmatic faucets are recommended for public restrooms with a large number of people coming and going, such as restaurants, nightclubs, hotels, schools and other educational institutions, hospitals, airports, etc.

sensor sockets

Faucet with a mechanism that releases water only when you require it and stops it immediately when a person removes their hands, thus conserving water. This is also provided in public restrooms so that no water is wasted while a person is lathering their hand. Zero waste of water is our main motto. Suggested and mainly used in places like movie theaters, hospitals, schools and universities, hotels and restaurants

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