How to write a self-hypnosis script to quit smoking

This article assumes that you know how to go into a trance through self-hypnosis. If you don’t, look up how to do an “induction” using self-hypnosis. This article helps you quit smoking by teaching you how to write a self-hypnosis script to ease your addiction. It’s important to know how, because simply telling yourself to quit works just as well as someone else telling you. Hypnosis is a powerful tool for getting into your unconscious mind and making lasting changes, so it’s important to use it correctly.

The first thing you have to do is establish your goals and the reason for your goals. Maybe you want to live a long and healthy life? Maybe you want to be healthier right now? Maybe you want to get rid of the stigma that people associate with smoking? Maybe you just want to be able to take a deep breath. One of the reasons why many people do not quit smoking is due to a lack of motivation. People see it as cool, use it to pass the time or start conversations, and just can’t see the positive aspects of not smoking. Before you quit smoking, you need to find out WHY you are doing it.

The second thing to do is create a list of obstacles that stand in your way of quitting. These obstacles are the pressures you have that make you quit. For example, your partner or your friends smoke and not smoking around them is difficult. You may feel like you need a cigarette to relax and feel stressed without one. Create a complete and extensive list.

The third thing to do is write the exact opposite of each of your obstacles, justified by your motivation. You frame the positive by using ‘willpower’, ‘confidence’ and ‘strength’ as ​​the words that describe your ability to overcome the opposite. For example, you could write one of these:

I am strong enough to relax from stress without a cigarette because I want to be a healthy person.

I have enough willpower to avoid smoking when the people around me are, because I respect my body and my health.

Because I want to stop smelling like an ashtray I am confident enough to say no when someone offers me a cigarette

Now is the time to write your script. Begin the script with a positive self-talk. Tell yourself that you are confident enough to be a “non-smoker.” Use the positive term “non-smoker” instead of using the negative phrase “quit smoking.” For the next part of the script, use the opposite statement you wrote for your obstacles. After each one, tell yourself how good it feels to be able to take control of this part of your life.

Finally, visualize how each time you overcome one of your obstacles, you slowly contribute to your ultimate goal. See how each time you clear the hurdle you’re one step closer to being that happier, healthier you who doesn’t smoke. Visualize the process of gradually becoming healthier, and end each visualization with a positive self-talk. Say something like, “I can do this because I’m a strong person who respects her body.”

Close the script with an affirmation that coming out of the trance will mean that you will become this strong-willed new person. “When I open my eyes I will be that confident and positive person who will achieve my goal of quitting.”

The road to quitting smoking is long and slow. Once the quitting process begins, every day becomes work. This is the reason why you should use self-hypnosis regularly. What this guide does is teach you how to motivate yourself to keep going. Remember to recharge this motivation to help fight addiction.

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