PvP Shadow Priest

Shadow priests pvp draws can deal a lot of damage in a short time. Priests can silence enemies, can dispel beneficial spells from opponents and harmful spells from themselves. Priests have the ability to have some decent passive healing talent points that are used in the vampiric embrace and can fear when feeling outmatched. Using Shadow Form and Inner Fire, a Shadow Priest has around 35% melee reduction, which is almost as hard as wearing mail armor. Shadow Priests are hard to catch thanks to Fade, and the longest cooldown they have (not counting talent and racial abilities) is 45 seconds, which is silent.

Shadow priests pvp characters should note that when in shadow form they cannot cast holy spells or heals or the shadow form will break. The Shadow Priest can be one of the most feared players to find themselves in a PVP situation, but they are often attacked first because they are considered “soft”. When played correctly, a Shadow Priest can kill any class. For example, with the wheels, he has to be smart, as they can take him out quickly. We control the crowd as much as possible and fear any pets or minions. Keep your power word shield as long as you can and use mana burn. With melee as rogues cast your fear and point point point. Throw your shield when the fight starts and as often as you can, you can also protect yourself and then bandage if necessary. If a rogue goes missing, he raises your shield and prepare to start over.

Priests need to be very mindful of their mana pool. Use it wisely and when fighting more than one person, make sure you don’t spend it all on one character because a priest with no mana is a dead priest, completely defenseless. This is also true for mages and warlocks if you don’t count pet damage. A priest can use mana burn to render the enemy helpless. However, the mana burn instantly breaks fear, hex, and psychic scream. The mana burn can also be very useful against the party healer that is healing your enemy, when the healer is out of mana it usually means certain death for the party. Spending three talent points on spirit touch can greatly improve your own mana usage. Survivability can be heavily influenced by the Enhanced Vampiric Embrace and Focused Mind also helps improve your mana efficiency.

Starting a character in PVP with one “clothing” can be very frustrating. Many times we give up when a rogue undermines us and cuts us to pieces before we have time to think about it. Or when a prot warrior keeps us stunned for the middle of a fight and we don’t have a chance to counterattack. You have to have a game plan. Know what you need to do to take down each class so that when you’re in the situation you’re ready for it and they don’t even see it coming. Shadowpriests can be very difficult to go up against, with fears, points, self-healing, protection, buffs, high damage spells and what they can do for parties, I can’t imagine who wouldn’t be afraid to run into a knowledgeable shadowpriest who has the right glyphs and talent points. A toon pvp shadow priest who knows what he is doing is a shadow priest.

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