Quinoa is the best food for astronauts

I was surprised to find out recently that quinoa is recommended for astronauts on long space flights. I found this out by watching a TV show looking up the best foods you can eat. One of the guests was a former astronaut and there was a top ten food list. Number one on the list was quinoa.

In addition to being eaten by our space travelers, it is now part of NASA’s food program to grow in space. As part of this elite group of superfoods, quinoa is finally getting the recognition it deserves. NASA is investigating what foods we have here on earth will be the most beneficial in terms of how easy it is to grow them. They also need all the foods in the research program to be highly nutritious.

There is no time to lose with plants and foods that do not provide vitamins and minerals. So I was very pleased to find out that quinoa has made it into this elite group of foods. It puts a higher profile on a seed that everyone in the world should be eating as part of their daily food intake.

Why quinoa works in space

There are a number of reasons that make quinoa a good food for astronauts. The first rather mundane one is that it stores easily. You don’t need a fridge. You don’t even need an airtight container for durations up to a month. It’s so easy to store and take out the amount you need when you need it. Because it’s a complete protein, it’s so much better than trying to eat meat or meat substitutes in space. Contains all 9 essential amino acids, making it the only seed or grain that is a complete protein.

Another reason for its suitability in space is that it is a complex carbohydrate. Without getting too technical, this means that all the benefits of the vitamins and minerals are slowly released into the body and into the bloodstream over time. That way you don’t have to eat as often and you don’t get as hungry.

Quinoa basically gives you the feeling of being well fed for a long period of time. Slow-releasing carbs also mean you don’t get a sugar rush that can trigger food cravings. It must be bad enough to have a food craving in space. Where could you go to find something that satisfies your craving?

If quinoa is so good for astronauts, you should know more about it and learn how it can revolutionize your diet and eating habits.

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