Your higher self has chosen everything for you

Realize and appreciate each moment as perfect because your higher self has chosen everything and everything is happening in the divine order and in divine time. Your higher self sees the bigger picture and has decided what is the best possible experience for you. You don’t have to worry about things not going the way they were supposed to or regret things going in a different direction because of what you did. You connect back to the direction of your source the moment you realize that it is in control.

You came into this world for a purpose that was chosen by your higher self, the aspect of you that is one with God. You were specially designed to fulfill it. The conditions of your life in which you were born were also specially chosen as part of that purpose. His innate personality traits, talents, and physical qualities were also given for the job he was destined to do. The dreams you came to have and the desires of your heart were inspired by your higher self for your purpose as you grew in life.

Everything, from the beginning to the end of your possible human life in this world, has already been thought out and designed by your higher self. Nothing that happens to you that seems out of your control is wrong. As you progress on your life’s journey and make decisions that lead to the unfolding of your destiny, every step of the way, your higher self steps in to alter the arrangement of events to keep you on track. Some of these alterations may seem like bad things.

That is why many times, the unfortunate things that happen in our lives are actually blessings in disguise. If we could see what our higher selves see, we would know that we had set out to make these things happen. We would be really happy for them to happen because we wouldn’t have experienced something much better if they didn’t. Even realizing that what we have is actually much better and not worse may take a while to come when we see how things turn out later and how it all fits together.

Our higher self exists in a higher dimension that transcends the linearity of time and the limitation of space. You can view past, present and future events at the same time. You can also see all the possible options of all the beings that exist, especially our own, and all the possible outcomes and alternative timelines that extend from those choices. Make decisions based on this expanded awareness of reality about how things will play out each time we make a choice. It influences conditions even before we make a decision.

Our higher self does not override our free will. It just influences him and works together with him. Our higher self already knows the possible choices we would make before we make them, therefore it only influences the most likely past, present and future situations according to our most likely choices along each alternate timeline that it is parallel to what we are experiencing in Him here and now. Our actual choice in the here and now has yet to be made, but everything else is controlled by the higher self.

Therefore, no matter what choices we make throughout our entire lives, we will still come to fulfill our destiny to some extent due to the arrangement of events by our higher selves. The difference our choices make is the kind of experience we can have while living our lives in this world. Our choices would lead us to more positive or more negative experiences. If we make decisions that are aligned with our purpose, we would experience more happiness, satisfaction, and peace in living.

Your higher self is you. You are the divine force behind the destiny of your entire period of physical incarnation in this world. Think of it as a larger puppeteer pulling the strings of a smaller puppet on stage. You created a division of your consciousness to do your work in the physical world. You are all you and you are an expression of God. Learn to trust yourself by trusting your higher self. You have chosen everything that happens along the way and everything is perfect. Therefore, you can be grateful for all that there is.

If you cannot appreciate and be grateful for everything that is in the present moment, you can never truly appreciate and be grateful when you have achieved all those things that you desire and that you think will make you happy. Because when the future becomes the present moment and those things enter your life, you will not yet be in the state of being to appreciate and be thankful for all that you have. You will never be in vibrational harmony with the experience of your desires if you can never do it in the now.

There are people who cannot enjoy the present moment and have been working to create a better future. But when the day comes when their breakthrough occurs and they achieve the success they want almost overnight or very quickly, they find that they don’t seem to feel the happiness they thought they would feel when they have everything they want. They wonder if that’s all there is. They still feel empty and some end up taking their lives because they feel that everything is in vain.

If you can be completely happy in the present and appreciate all that is right now, you are in vibrational harmony with the experience of your desires. You will also be in a state where you can truly appreciate and fully enjoy success and all those things that you are dreaming of when they arrive. That is when you are ready for your wishes to manifest and your dreams to be fulfilled. How soon it will happen depends on the divine order of the universe, but it can happen sooner when you no longer resist.

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