A balanced diet: what is it and how to achieve it?

Eating a balanced diet simply means eating the right kinds of food in the right amounts at the recommended levels so that your body takes in the nutrients it needs for your health. It is important to have one as it ensures the prevention of obesity, diabetes, some types of cancer and diseases.

According to the ‘Australian guide to healthy eating’, the number of daily servings required from each food group to meet your body’s daily nutrient needs can be roughly divided into the following:

Carbohydrates: 6 – 9

Protein: 1-2

Fats: 1 Dairy: 2-3

Fruit: 2

Vegetables: 5

The next thing to know is what constitutes a serving of a food group.

• 1 slice of bread
• 1 cup of rice or pasta or noodles
• ¾ cup of ready-to-eat cereal
• 1 medium muffin

• 70 – 90 grams of cooked lean meat / fish / poultry
• 2 small eggs or 1 large egg
• ½ cup peanuts / almonds
• 2 small lamb chops

• 1 teaspoon vegetable oil / butter / peanut butter
• 5 grams of fat in foods such as cakes and pastries

Dairy products
• 1 cup of yogurt / milk
• ½ cup of ice cream
• 1 slice of cheese

• ½ cup of freshly squeezed juice
• 1 apple / orange / banana
• ½ cup of fresh chopped fruit
• ¼ cup of raisins or nuts.

• Half a cup of cooked vegetables
• A whole tomato
• 10 small carrots
• 1 cup of salad greens

Now a major problem in trying to follow this guide to make sure your body has all the nutrients it needs to be healthy is that a person would need to consume (for example) a minimum of 2 slices of bread, 4 cups of rice, 70 grams of cooked meat cooked in a little vegetable oil, 2 cups of yogurt, 2 apples, 30 baby carrots and 4 cups of cooked vegetables per day. While this may be easily achievable by some, for many others, especially those who live extremely busy lives or are trying to reduce portion sizes and calories to lose weight, it is not. Therefore, I have outlined some recommendations and tips on how to achieve a healthy and balanced diet.

• Try to choose nutrient-dense foods, such as a sandwich filled with lean meat and vegetables. This will provide more vitamins and minerals without too many calories.

• Avoid foods high in calories but low in nutrients. It is mainly about foods such as sweets, soft drinks and cakes.

• Always serve a salad with your main meal for lunch and dinner. This will ensure that you increase your vegetable intake.

• Swap rice / pasta / noodles for bread, 1 slice of bread is already 1 carb serving!

• One cup of freshly squeezed juice in the morning covers the recommended daily fruit intake.

• If you have a busy lifestyle or are trying to lose weight and still have a hard time meeting your daily requirements, it is also a good idea to try and take supplements. Supplements can ensure that your body receives all the nutrients it needs if you cannot consume enough food for your body to extract the vitamins and nutrients necessary for optimal health.

However, keep in mind that it is important not to replace your actual fruits and vegetables with supplements (if you decide to take them). Nothing can replace a healthy diet!

Good luck!

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