Cleanse the aura with water and salt

Your aura is like your energetic protective force field that not only protects you, but also allows you to shine your light outward. Have you ever felt someone’s presence before you even knew they walked into a room or said something? It’s probably because you felt its aura and what it emits.

Of course, you want people to feel your true essence if you are someone who is not afraid of others seeing who you really are.

Your aura also acts as an energetic magnet. When not cleaned, it can accumulate debris to the point where it becomes weak and not as competent.

When your aura weakens, your body is susceptible to unwanted energy that can lead to illness.

Why do we attract energy waste?

Sometimes your aura can break down due to pollution and smoky environments, chemicals, computers, the Internet, negative thinking, and engaging in negative behaviors or activities that reduce its frequency.

In addition to pollution and environmental aspects, negative thought patterns can actually be due to years of unwanted accumulation of energy that has thrown us emotionally and in all other respects as well. An excellent and effective way to change these patterns is to ask for divine guidance to help us let go of all energy baggage. This will help us break old patterns and cycles of behavior that no longer serve us.

Salt water bath

Salt and water are excellent and natural purifying agents and cleaners for energy waste.

Fill a bathtub with lukewarm water and drop a couple of handfuls of salt (sea salt, bath salts, etc.) into the water to dissolve it.

Lie down in the bathtub with the intention that all the energy wastes are released and your aura is strengthened and cleansed.

While this process is taking place, why not make it a time of meditation with soft music and candles? Just relax!

Cold water showers

Cold water is another natural way to cleanse our energy field (chakras and aura). Not only does it cleanse the energy body, it also does the following:

  • cheer up
  • rise the levels of energy
  • speeds up the healing process
  • improves circulation
  • detoxifies your body (removes toxins)
  • helps clear negative thinking

Cold showers can be uncomfortable at first, but you can actually develop a tolerance for this. Make sure you do this only a few seconds at a time at first and then build up to minutes at a time. Try not to hit your system.

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