Pilates myths and truths

Pilates is a worldwide exercise phenomenon, but several facts about it are persistently misunderstood. Let’s set the record straight! You will be surprised to find out what is true and what is false about Pilates.

1. It’s a new form of exercise.

FAKE. Although Pilates has become popular around the world in recent decades, it was created nearly 100 years ago by Joseph Hubertus Pilates, a German who moved to New York City, where he and his partner Clara taught many of the dances and most famous techniques. theater artists

2. Pilates was derived from yoga.

FAKE. Although Joseph Pilates studied yoga, he also studied boxing, gymnastics, and many other forms of exercise. There is nothing in his writings or those he directly taught to suggest that yoga was the major influence. Although they are complementary practices, Pilates and yoga are very different.

3. It is only for women.

FAKE. Pilates particularly appeals to women because it creates tremendous strength without looking bulky. However, it also appeals to men because no other exercise method beats Pilates for core strengthening.

4. It is not suitable for the elderly.

FAKE. Pilates not only benefits people of all ages, it is particularly beneficial for the older body because its fluid, controlled, and precise movement is gentle on the joints. Furthermore, Joseph Pilates himself practiced it well into his 80s.

5. It’s too easy.

FAKE. Pilates is an essential part of the conditioning program for many elite athletes.

6. It is too expensive.

FAKE. The Pilates mat exercise does not require the additional costs of any equipment or gym, and many free video lessons are available on the web.

7. Pilates is just a quick fix for flabby abs.

FAKE. Although Pilates develops flat abs, it also strengthens the entire body and mind.

8. It will give the person longer and leaner muscles.

TRUE. Pilates uses the eccentric contraction more than any other exercise method. This particular way of building strength creates leaner muscles, less bulk, and less risk of muscle injury.

9. It can make a person taller.

TRUE. Long, lean muscle tissue allows the skeletal frame to stand taller. This is why Pilates is known to drastically improve posture.

10. Pilates will cure any back problem.

FAKE. Although Pilates is particularly effective for the relief of most back problems, and core strength Pilates principles are used by physical therapists around the world, it is not a substitute for medical attention.

11. It will help a person lose weight.

TRUE. Pilates, like any physical activity, burns calories. However, most experts agree that weight loss is ultimately the result of a combination of diet and exercise.

12. Improves sports performance.

TRUE. Pilates is second to none for increasing balance and coordination, making it particularly useful for those athletic activities that rely on core strength, such as golf, horseback riding, and tennis, to name just a few.

13. Pilates is like any other exercise but with different equipment.

FAKE. Pilates uniquely engages and integrates the body and mind. It can be done with special equipment or without any equipment.

Now that you know what Pilates is and isn’t, it’s time to take the next step and give it a try. It will change your life!

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