Secrets of the Law of Attraction from The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles

If you’ve given any thought to the Law of Attraction and The Secret, you’ve probably noticed that The Secret Byrne presented doesn’t really provide a complete roadmap for creating the best life imaginable. Fortunately, Wallace Wattles’ book The science of getting rich put together the whole puzzle.

Did you know that the Law of Attraction is working in your life every day, whether you believe in it or not?

It’s something to think about. The first secret of the Law of Attraction that you absolutely have to understand is that if you are not intentionally creating your life, it is running on autopilot. When this is the case, who knows where your life will take you.

where was the secret

Rhonda Byrne created an inspirational resource with The Secret. But, there is more to the Law of Attraction. Getting a clear view of the big picture is crucial, because you are creating your life right now, one way or another. One resource that ties the image together in amazing ways is Wallace Wattles’ book. The science of getting rich. It was this book that inspired Rhonda Byrne to create The Secret.
The science of getting rich It was written by Wallace Wattles in 1910 and it is still true today. It can change your life in ways that The Secret and Byrnes’s most recent book, The Power, never could. It presents a complete roadmap to create what you want. In Wattles’ own words, “It works.”

As Wallace Wattles taught, the fact is that we all create the things we think about the most. And, as you know, most people’s thoughts are not the best, so they don’t attract the best. Wattles’s secret is that you need to learn to think AND act in what he calls “a certain way.”

The secret of the ultimate law of attraction

The last secret is that you must take full control and full responsibility. Do you still have doubts? If you need confirmation that the law of attraction is affecting your life, visit a public place thinking that everyone you meet is a terrible person. Interact with a few people and notice what you experience.

Instead, visit a public place with the idea that everyone you meet is friendly and helpful, interact with a few people, and notice the difference. Then think about what reality you prefer to create.

Once you recognize what is really going on, you should be motivated to take control of your constant thoughts so that you can create the happiest life you can imagine. Everyone is capable of doing this, but most people don’t.

Act “as if”

Another key, according to Wattles, is to act as if the reality you want to create is your reality now. Become the person you see yourself being when the things you want come to you. If you want more wealth, start acting like that rich person now. As? One way is to be more generous. Let the money flow through you with ease.

In The science of getting rich Wattles also provides another powerful Law of Attraction secret: the power to express gratitude. for what you have and for the wonderful things that are coming to you. Bob Proctor, who is one of today’s great thought leaders, suggests saying something like this to yourself several times throughout the day. “I am so happy and grateful that…” Just fill in the blank with anything you want to expand on in your life.

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