True Love Relationships – Do’s and Don’ts

We have here a list of things to do and not to do to have successful love relationships. This list is created by a professional relationship counselor and psychotherapist. Some of his suggestions may seem outrageous to you, but there’s fun and learning in being surprised, isn’t there?

Following the suggestions on this list as practices can change the way you love and relate to each other in life. It’s your choice. Loving Laurie Audio Book is the true backstory that is the basis of this list of the right way to love.

Sometimes making lists is an important way to think about a life situation. True Love Relating is undoubtedly a great life experience in which we all need to develop and have the right perspective.

Here our list of items on True Love Relating. Look at them. Check which one you agree with and which one you disagree with. Give your reasons in a conversation with someone.

What are you doing to learn to truly love? Take these lists to the dinner table or to a friend’s lunch.

Bring out the list at a cocktail party and see who from the group leaves you and your list and who from the group stays.

Scandalous, yes? Not really!

do’s and don’ts Some things to do in love relationships (remember that some can shake up your attitudes and seem outrageous)

  • Always be honest, tell your regular partner when you have had sex with someone else.
  • Follow up attractions other than your regular sexual partner with some contact with the other person, if only to say something that shows your attraction or to make contact.
  • Don’t have sex with more than 100 people in your life. I have not done it!
  • Don’t marry the wrong person to relate to. I just did that and I regret it to the day I die.
  • Don’t yell at your sexual partner at the breakfast table. It is bad for digestion. Create peace, not war, at the beginning of your couple’s day together.
  • Don’t hide a lot of money from your spouse. Money is reality. Be honest about the money. Be honest in your relationship.
  • Don’t sexually covet people in the real world. Express this lust in fantasies, not in reality. The real world is for committed sex.
  • Don’t stop having sex until you’re married. You will be too inexperienced in human love to be able to make a correct decision about marriage.
  • Do not become sexually involved with someone you are not creatively compatible with and flow in love together. I have done this too often in life.

Key question

Are you having too much sex?

  • If you are in a sexual relationship with someone and it turns out that there are major incompatibilities, end the relationship immediately and let both of you get on with your lives. I have learned to do this.
  • Have a lot of sex when you’re young so you can learn to handle it without getting carried away with sex.
  • Don’t marry or move in with anyone whose sexual needs remain compulsive.
  • Don’t let anyone try to solve their sexual problems in your sexual company.
  • After twenty-five you don’t have more than two lovers in a year. At twenty-five you should be deciding to find the right sexual partner for you out of all the available ones.
  • At twenty-five, if you have more than five lovers in a year, stop having sexual contact with anyone for one year, including yourself. Take cold showers. Exercise. Focus on philosophy and spirituality. Develop your mind and your ability to discriminate and follow higher values. This has worked well for some people.
  • Don’t have sex with anyone who wants to have sex with you just because they love you. If you don’t have strong feelings to explore love with someone, don’t have sex with that person.
  • Don’t treat sex lightly. Don’t have sex as part of your first dates after the age of twenty-three, because by then you should have had enough experiences of sexual exploration.
  • Don’t be nice to people on the first and second date. Be real. Say your true feelings about them in the moment right from the start.
  • Do not play! Don’t be nice to people just to please them or not to hurt their feelings.
  • Make a strong demand before allowing someone to have sex with you. This can be in the form of money, such as a gift of a thousand dollars. This can be a promise to do something important to you together, like weed the whole yard or go somewhere in nature for a weekend, all expenses paid.

Key question

Are you really strong enough now to have sex with people?

  • Make some demand that needs to be fulfilled first, like cut your hair, wash the BO off your body, clean your apartment, first write ten letters about yourself that you will reply to. Be creative, but make sure that the one who wants to explore the relationship with you pays a price.
  • Sex is not free. It is a powerful creative energy. Don’t give it away, even if you want to have sex.
  • When you have sex, tell your parents in detail, how you feel about it, and anything else you want to say. Have the courage to affirm what you are doing. If they want to punish you or don’t listen to you, move immediately. You must take full responsibility to realize yourself. You determine your own destiny. Too many adults are afraid of their parents!
  • When you tell your parents about your current sex life, make sure they tell you about theirs in return. Don’t let parents hide and reveal themselves as they want you to be. As an adult, command your parents. You were ordered around quite a bit in childhood.
  • When you have sex with someone, get to know them first, inspect their genitals. If it’s gross, get them checked out by a doctor first, including an AIDS test. If they don’t, then it is not possible to have sex, no sexual relationship, no relationship, no friendship with you. It’s a dangerous world out there.

Key question

What are your destructive sexual attitudes?

  • After your years or months of sexual exploration, sit down, at least twenty-five, and lay down the ground rules about who you want to engage in sexually. Include compatibility, a commitment to love fully, a commitment to change your life and personality in the crucible of your love together, equality in shared power and responsibilities of everyday life, a commitment to honesty and open sharing. of oneself. And not to make love to anyone else, but if this happens, then it should be honestly disclosed and the issues should be resolved between the two of you.
  • After twenty-five, only mate and engage with someone with whom you have a direct energetic connection, as well as the above fundamentals on romantic relationships. She said, “I am twenty-five years old now. I no longer sleep with anyone who is not fully compatible with me in a deep love relationship.”
  • Do not marry or associate with an opposite. The attraction may be strong, but so is the recipe for disaster.
  • Marrying or partnering with a person who has similar foundations and values ​​to yours. Relegate the rest to “just friends” or “get lost” status.
  • After twenty-five, stop having casual sex just because you have the urge to get laid. Now you must find the right one for you. Don’t stay home alone at night until you find the right one for you. Keep testing the waters. Keep dating. Go to places where there are people with your own interests and values.
  • Once you think you’ve found the right one, give it your all to develop the relationship. Sacrifice everything that gets in the way. Make sure that your new partner also gives everything for your developing relationship and makes any necessary sacrifices.
  • Do not mate or associate with self-centered and narcissistic people. I’ve got. They never let you in. They give you glimpses of themselves to keep you interested. Ask yourself, is this person as interested in me as they are in themselves? I know. It’s hard to find someone who is as interested in you as they are in themselves. But keep trying.
  • Don’t hang out with losers, even if the relationship isn’t sexual. The losers are the ones who criticize and complain, the ones who always seem to be in crisis, the ones who manipulate you into giving them money or taking care of them. Who touches the strings of your heart. That they have talent and hope, but also insolvent problems, it seems. Don’t waste any of your life on a loser, even if he is your own child. Let them go from you so they can try to waste other people’s lives, but not yours. Ask yourself, if underneath you are not also a loser?

Key question

What are the seven keys that you should have in a loving relationship?

  • Apply everything said above to yourself. Analyze yourself honestly. Are you one of those people who shouldn’t seriously engage in sexual relationships with? Be honest. Admit where you are a weak or incapable lover. Seek professional help. Change yourself and be serious, so that you too can become an honest and true lover in life.
  • Begin each day by affirming that you are going to practice being real and positive in what you do that day. True love is positive.

Key question

What would you sacrifice to find and have true love in your life?

  • True love cares, is honest, drives reality in everything you do. True love affects others, gives them a boost in life. Giving others a lift in life should also make your own being and your day more positive. Right? Try it! OKAY?

Key question Who was Laurie and why was she so important in Strephon’s life?

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